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Cafe / Bar
Cafe/Dinner/Live Music
Cafe 10-2 Dinner 5-8 Ras Judah, One Vibe Gig from 8pm
Cafe/Live Music
Cafe 10-2 Back of Beyond gig from 7pm
Cafe/ Live Gig
Cafe 10-2 NCC FEST GIG in the evening
Cafe/Dinner/Live Music
Cafe 10-2 Dinner 5-8 Too Many Chiefs from 8pm
Cafe/Private Hire
Cafe 10-2 Christ College hiring in the afternoon
Cafe/Live Music
Cafe 10-2 Dinner 5-8 Saurian Band from 8pm
Cafe/Record Fair
Cafe 10-2 Record Fair in the evening
Cafe/Live Music
Cafe 10-2 Dinner 5-8 Sound of Thunder-Pink Floyd from 8pm
Cafe/Private Hire
Cafe 10-2 Private Hire in the evening
Cafe/Live Music
Cafe 10-2 Cabaret night with Dave Mcmillan - dinner and a show