And a great night was had by all
Monday the 14th saw 150 Boathouse supporters enjoy a night at the flicks with the support of The Suter and State Cinema.
A full house enjoyed a glass of vino poured by the ever efficient Frankie who also ran the movie! The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was very apt for a fundraiser supporting The Boathouse Society and the crowd enjoyed a fitting treat of Proper Crisps who kindly donated boxes of four of their popular flavours (quite the talking point amongst groups of friends). The raffle for a print of ‘Salsa at The Boathouse’ by artist P.Fitz sold out quickly. Paula has kindly donated a few more prints so follow our events for your next opportunity to buy a ticket. It was serendipitous that the raffle winners were our own dancing doorman John, and delightful administrator (of twenty years!), member, community trust member and committee member, Moira. Moira’s daughter and son-in-law met at a salsa night at The Boathouse which makes it all the nicer.
The Boathouse Society is so glad that members and friends were able to meet and enjoy a night together after such a long time without the favoured Friday nights. We have a committed team of event creators working behind the scenes to bring you a social event monthly throughout the winter so please keep an eye on here and our Facebook page for details on these.
On behalf of The Boathouse Society our committee chair, Annie Henry, would like to offer thanks to the following contributors for their support:
- State Cinemas Nelson and The Suter Gallery and the teams of people that made the night run so smoothly,
- PFitz for sharing one of her latest pieces and donating the prints for raffle,
- Proper Crisps for the moreish nibbles,
- Beggs Music Works for holding and selling the tickets in record time,
- The team of people who brought the night together. Thank you for all of your time in this and other events Patti, Lisa, Miranda and Michelle. And also Bruce for his excellent ushering skills,
- Everybody that came along and made the evening a complete success. Let’s do it again sometime!
Our next event is a night at Fairfield House with DJ Dagmar providing entertainment. If this interests you please email [email protected] on ticketing information.
PS. If you attended and loved the attire of the movie, then you are going to ADORE the themes of the Relaunch events 😉