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Progress, Progress, Progress!

Things are moving along with the Rebuild.  You Build have been busy replacing joists and laying down  flooring.  NCE, You Build and The Boathouse are putting special emphasis on reusing materials where and when it works best and is safe and so far the entire kitchen floor has been replaced with recycled materials.  Logs 2 Lumber have sent timber to Mead and Martin for profiling and Natural House Java Oils are being applied on the underside of the new boards ready to lay down in the hall.  It has been fabulous to be able to involve so many locals in the work.

The focus at this point is to get The Boathouse back open and running while making the most of the shut down to upgrade and improve facilities for the future. In the meantime we’ve gathered a team of people together to work on some fun fundraising events. Some of these will be member specific so if you’ve ever thought about joining The Boathouse then check out the Members Page and send us a message at the office. There are loads of benefits and we’d love to share these with you at one of our events. Once again register your interest via email for more information and a no pressure invitation.  Details on other fundraisers will be posted on our website and Facebook page for all. Make sure to keep an eye on these.

The Nelson Mail recently published an update on the Rebuild. Have a read here……